What is ISRO? History and Future of ISRO

Amidst the vastness of space, one organization—the Indian Space Research Organisation, or ISRO for short—stands out for its extraordinary contributions to space research and technology. Since its founding in 1969, the India Space Research Organization (ISRO) has expanded to become a major player in space exploration, setting many records and putting India on the map of the globe. Come along with us as we set out to explore the nuances of ISRO’s goals, achievements, and future vision.

The Genesis of ISRO

Dr. Vikram Sarabhai’s belief that utilizing space technology was essential to India’s progress can be linked to the organization’s founding. When ISRO was founded in 1969, its main goal was to use space technologies for peaceful applications including resource mapping, weather forecasting, and communication.

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Milestones in ISRO’s History

1. India’s First Satellite, Aryabhata (1975): On April 19, 1975, ISRO launched India’s first satellite, Aryabhata, using a Soviet-supplied Kosmos-3M launch vehicle, marking an important milestone.

2. SLV, India’s First Satellite Launch Vehicle (1980): India became the sixth country in the world to have the ability to launch a satellite when it used the Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV) to successfully put Rohini into orbit in 1980.

3. INSAT Series: Launched in 1983, the Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) series connected the enormous swathes of the Indian subcontinent and transformed meteorology, television, and telecommunications.

4. PSLV (c11)-Chandrayaan-1 (2008): Marking India’s foray into lunar exploration, Chandrayaan-1 revealed water molecules on the moon and established ISRO as an influential force in the international space community.

5. Mangalyaan (2013): An incredible feat, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission, Mangalyaan, elevated the country into the top ranks of space research as it entered Martian orbit on its first try.

6. PSLV-C37 (2017): By utilizing the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) to launch 104 satellites in a single mission, ISRO broke the global record and demonstrated the PSLV’s reliable and affordable launch capabilities.

7. Chandrayaan-2 (2019): 2019 saw the launch of Chandrayaan-2 by ISRO, which built on the achievements of Chandrayaan-1 and includes an orbiter, lander, and rover to gather important data for lunar exploration.


ISRO’s Vision for the Future

The organization is committed to leading space exploration, as evidenced by its ambitious plans for the future, which include the Gaganyaan mission, which will be India’s first manned spaceflight, and the Aditya-L1 mission, which will study the Sun.

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International Cooperation and Acclaim

ISRO has collaborated with numerous space organizations and agencies globally as a result of receiving recognition for its affordable launch services on a global scale. The group has gained recognition as a major participant on the international stage thanks to its dedication to cooperation and peaceful space activities.


India’s commitment to using space technology for the benefit of humanity is demonstrated by ISRO’s trip. ISRO keeps pushing the limits of space exploration with activities ranging from satellite launches to Moon and Mars expeditions. Looking ahead, the history of ISRO is one of limitless opportunities and unrestricted cosmic exploration.

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